
Property Rights - A. Alchian

  • One of the most fundamental requirements of a capitalist economic system (and one of the most misunderstood concepts) is a strong system of property rights.

    • A lot of people complain that there's a conflict between property rights and human rights.

    • This isn't true because property rights are human rights.

    • Social critics of property rights do not want to abolish those rights, rather, transfer them from private to government ownership.

    • This is known as the tragedy of the commons

  • A property right is the exclusive authority to determine how a resource is used.

    • The three basic elements of property rights:

      • Exclusivity of rights to choose the use of a resource

      • Exclusivity of rights to the services of a resource

      • Rights to exchange the resource at mutually agreeable terms

  • Limitations like price controls and restrictions on the right to sell are reductions of private property rights.

  • Under a private property system, the market values reflect the preferences and demands of society.

  • Property rights eliminate competition for control of economic resources.

  • Market values become influential.

    • More complete property rights make discrimination more costly.

  • The two extremes in weakened private property rights are:

    • Socialism: government agents excercise control over resources.

      • Soviet union fell because of this

      • Government officials siphoned out the profits of the government into private corporations, which caused a deficit in the budget of the Soviet government.

    • Commonly owned resources

  • No property rights causes people to have less incentives to heed changes or to preserve the resources.

  • Private property rights don't need to be held by a single person

    • Limited liability corporation

    • Joint ventures, mutuals, partnerships

  • Private property rights are not absolute

  • Conflicting with the desire to secure private property rights is the desire to acquire more wealth by taking from other.

    • Military conquest and forcible reallocation

    • This is unethical.

  • Private property rights are the rights of humans to use specified goods and to exchange them.
